Yes… we have a great relationship with our horses.
Yes… our horses can move with “invisible aids”.
Yes… issues which are all too common are “fixed” with our teachings.
But “Natural Horsemanship” is nothing more than a marketing strategy.
If you want to be able to speak to your horse calmly and to become a good horseman, then this is for you.

In the beginning… repetition, exaggerated cues and more repetition!
If you are after a relaxed, happy, co-operative horse – this is for you!
If you are looking to ensure the longevity of your horse’s health – this is for you!
If you are aiming to build a bond with your horse – this is also for you!
If you want to have fun with your horse – this is 100% for you!
Horses have become “tools” to so many people. When the horse can’t perform or isn’t fit for purpose, they are sold on or sometimes even destroyed. Sadly, for many, many cases, it is not the horse’s fault when they will not do what is being asked of them. The rider blames the horse for not moving correctly, or for speeding up, or for not being soft.
When you take away the saddle you come to realise just how many riders are riding the saddle, not the horse. You see the imbalance and you can piece together the causes behind behavioural issues and the inability to move freely. Take away the saddle and the rider can feel the horse and can learn how the seat can really affect the movement. It is a skill which is often overlooked; riding without relying on your stirrups, without leaning on the reins and by simply engaging with your horse. Relaxation is key.
The training foundations that Sense Equine teaches is simplified for the average joe, which makes it so special. The same teachings are the backbone for any discipline, and any level of rider can benefit from a solid understanding of them. Many trainers and instructors are well educated but do not necessarily have the correct tools or ways of explaining them to their students. As a consequence, the horse and rider get stuck with a move or exercise, unable to move forward.
In the beginning, our methods involve lots of repetition of simple exercises to allow your horse to lower their head, relax and bend. This can all be done on the ground or on your horse. Taking a step back to ensure you and your horse are on the same page and to improve your horse’s strength, suppleness and understanding is going to allow you to achieve so much more together.
Every horse is an individual and will work at a different pace, but ultimately by learning to move the horse properly before working through the gaits, you will progress quicker as a rider and your horse will become strong enough to do what is being asked of them. We are giving you the tools so you can learn how to make them your own.
Try to rush your learning or not attempting to listen to your horse is nothing short of insanity.
There are no tricks here, no “horse whispering”. It is simply understanding your horse and learning to harness energy rather than trying to contain it.
Horses forgive, but they never forget.