Nothing happens in a day
I am going to start by saying that being a horseman is a lifetime of learning.
Trust and Patience
We all love our horses dearly and whatever we do with our horses, whatever discipline we choose, we all have our horses’ best interests at heart.
Modern day ugly
These are my observations and what I have learned, what I have surmised. This is what works for me.
My “Throwback Thursday”
The words of my own trainer replay in my mind, “horses are great levellers – once you’re up, they will be sure to bring you right back down!”
A saddle of a lifetime!
For years I had thought of saddle fitting, adjusting, re-flocking and buying all incredibly complicated.
Equestrians are linguists
A dear friend made me realise that learning to communicate with your horse is no different to learning a new language.
Not your average riding lesson…
It’s important to make it clear from the very start that we are different to most other trainers!
5 easy ways to become a better horseman
Did you know we can teach you everything with 5 basic movements?
FREE Lesson: Teach your horse to relax
FREE Lesson: Teach your horse to relax